Kamis, 11 Desember 2014

Kaleidoskop Rangkaian Kegiatan Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian 2014

Beberapa kegiatan telah dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa fakultas pertanian UPM pada tahun 2014 untuk mendukung kegiatan akademis, praktikum lapang maupun program kerja Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Faperta, diantaranya adalah sebagaimana tersaji pada beberapa gambar berikut ini:

Gambar 1. Kunjungan Lapang di Kebun Percobaan Muneng

Gambar 2. Kunjungan Lapang ke Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian

Gambar 3. Program penanaman mangrove bersama Kodim Probolinggo

Gambar 4. Program Reboisasi oleh Mahasiswa BEM Faperta

Gambar 5. Kegiatan Praktikum di Greenhouse FP UPM

Gambar 6. Pelaksanaan Kegiatan Mahasiswa Baru di Sumberbendo

Kamis, 20 November 2014


Picture 1. The Participating Universities on The 1st PICKS 2014 event

“PIKSI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON KNOWLEDGE AND SCIENCES” or simply, “PICKS” event were in accordance with the goal of Politeknik Piksi Ganesha; which is to promote, to develop, and to spread knowledge and science, technology, business, medical, social and humaniora in order to educate the nation’s life which is consistent with the world’s dynamic life, particularly in Indonesia, by honoring the humanity, social, and society through the act of Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi (Three Obligations of University).  Since it is the first event and held in Gedung Sabuga Bandung tanggal 18 November 2014, therefore it is called “1st PICKS 2014”.

Sustainable business organizations participate in environmentally friendly or green practices in order to make certain that all processes, products, and manufacturing activities sufficiently address current environmental concerns while still retaining a profit. Concurrently, it is a business that “meets the needs of the present world without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs.” It is the method of evaluating how to design products that will correspond to current environmental conditions and how well a company’s products perform with renewable resources. There are many organizations and networks currently interacting with businesses in order to integrate sustainability into their central goals and contribute to the environmentally and socially responsible business movement.

A combination of factors can build the case for integrating environmental sustainability into decision-making. Environmental sustainability is fundamental to the long-term vitality of industry in any country because environmental stresses put companies at risk. Many theoretical research on psychological empowerment has been appearing only recently in scholarly journals. Empowerment is a concept that links individual strengths and competencies, natural helping systems and proactive behaviour to social policy and social change. This conference aims to illustrate the role of empowering the people on the gaining competitive advantage in economy, business and management.
In the other hand, Indonesia has the diversity of the local culture that can be used as an asset that can not be equated with the local culture of other countries. Indonesia’s local culture is different in each region. Each region has a typical culture, such as traditional house, traditional clothes, dancing, musical instruments, or the customs adopted. All of it can be used as a power to be able to strengthen the resilience of the nation’s culture in the eyes of the International.

Local culture becomes a source of cultural resilience of the nation, local cultural unity that Indonesia is a nation that represents the cultural identity of the Indonesian state. To that end, local culture should be maintained properly and that the inherited culture of the nation remains strong. Constancy holds the values of local wisdom (local wisdom) are communicated in an innovative, will make all findings/new ideas in science are presented to the public for positive social change.

The lack of a culture of communication, the ability to communicate is essential in order to avoid any misunderstanding about the adopted culture, which then led to disputes between tribes that will impact the decline in the nation’s cultural resistance.

Lack of learning culture, learning about the culture, should be fostered. But now many have not considered the importance to learn the local culture. Yet through the cultural learning, we can know the importance of local culture in building a national culture as well as how to adapt to the local culture amid the times.

Then the existence of the International Conference on the topic that bridge science with innovative communication, is expected to become a bridge for young people to learn and to absorb a lot of new science and technology in accordance with the culture that was followed. Cultural approache is expected to bridge cultural distance, which do exist between the Indonesian culture and foreign culture. Thus, the mastery of many competencies can control not only limited to the language per se, but it has reached the level of applications in accordance with the native culture that is worth absorbed and applied to the lives of the people of Indonesia.

One of the team of the presenter were came from Panca Marga University Probolinggo, with the scientific article of "Modality Sensitivity Influence on Counseling Communication to Farmer Groups in Probolinggo City" presented by Sulis Dyah Candra, SP., MP.* and Ir. P. Setyani Hidayati, MM.

The grand welcoming ceremony and the inspiring speech from Dr. Ing. Ilham A. Habibie, MBA. could be previewed on this Youtube video

Sabtu, 18 Oktober 2014

Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kualitas Mahasiswa Baru

Fakultas Pertanian UPM Probolinggo pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2014 di Aula UPM Probolinggo telah berhasil melaksanakan Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kualitas bagi Mahasiswa Baru (P2Maba) FP UPM. Acara ini dibuka oleh Dekan Faperta, Bapak Ir. Moch. Su'ud, M.P. dan didampingi oleh para wakil dekan.

Sebagai pemateri pertama pada acara Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Kualitas mahasiswa baru Faperta ini adalah Bapak Dr. Judi Suharsono, SE, MM, Ak, CA, SPsi, CHT, CEST, yang menyampaikan materi dan kontemplasi mengenai Mindset dalam Pengembangan Kualitas bagi Mahasiswa.  Mahasiswa diharapkan bisa memiliki pola pikir yang baik dalam upaya untuk mengembangkan kualitas dirinya dengan cara dan upaya sebaik mungkin, dengan landasan pemikiran bahwa "orang tidak akan melihat apa yang kita miliki namun akan melihat apa yang bisa diberikan kepada orang lain". 

Sebagai pemateri kedua dalam acara P2MaBa, dengan tema materi: Spirit of Entrepreneurship, Ibu Sulis Dyah Candra, S.P., M.P., menyatakan bahwa Entrepreneur atau Kewirausahaan adalah kesatuan terpadu dari semangat, nilai-nilai dan prinsip serta sikap, kiat dan tindakan nyata atau usaha penuh keberanian dalam upaya menuju kesuksesan. Dalam meneladani semangat Entrepreneurship tersebut, hendaknya mahasiswa senantiasa bersemangat dalam menuntut ilmu baik berupa hardskill di bidang akademis maupun mengembangkan kemampuan softskill di bidang ekstrakurikulernya.

Sabtu, 30 Agustus 2014

Konferensi PERHEPI 2014

Pada hari Kamis-Jumat/28-29 Agustus 2014 telah dilaksanakan Acara International Conference, Konferensi Nasional XVII dan Kongres XVI Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia (PERHEPI), di gedung IICC IPB Bogor dengan Tema: "Kebijakan untuk Petani: Pemberdayaan yang Menumbuhkan, Pertumbuhan yang Memberdayakan".

Rangkaian acara pada hari pertama diawali oleh Welcome Speech dari chairperson of the organizing committee: Prof. Dr. Rina Oktaviani, selanjutnya disampaikan Keynote Speech oleh Prof. Dr. Peter Timmer Professor Emeritus of Harvard University, USA dengan tema: "Evolution of Indonesian agricultural development policies in the last four decades". selanjutnya Presidential Address disampaikan oleh Dr. Bayu Krisnamurthi sebagai Vice Minister of Trade/President of ISAE/PERHEPI dengan tema: "Policy for Farmers: empowerment for growth, growth to empower".

Acara berikutnya meliputi Plenary Session I dan Plenary Session II oleh beberapa pembicara internasional. Perwakilan dari Faperta Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo juga berpartisipasi dalam menyampaikan materi mengenai "Improving Economic Results of Probolinggo Mango Commodity with Sharia Value Added".

Pada hari kedua, beberapa perwakilan pengurus komda Perhepi Probolinggo mengikuti pelaksanakan KONGRES XVI PERHEPI yang diikuti oleh segenap Pengurus Pusat dan Komisariat Daerah dari berbagai penjuru pelosok Nusantara.

Materi dan Berita selengkapnya dapat diikuti di: website PERHEPI

Pelaksanaan Penelitian mengenai Nano Silikon pada Tanaman Padi

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