Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Kegiatan Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia di Probolinggo

Di kawasan Agrowisata Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo Desa Sumberbendo, Kecamatan Sumberasih, pada tanggal 9 September 2012 dilangsungkan rangkaian acara yang cukup penting, diantaranya adalah:

  1. Pencanangan program penghijauan dan pemanfaatan lahan kosong di wilayah Probolinggo, dengan sumbangan Ketua Umum Perhepi Pusat untuk  pembelian bibit tanaman buah dan pohon jati. 
  2. Pelantikan pengurus Perhimpunan Ekonomi Pertanian Indonesia Komisariat Daerah Probolinggo masa bakti 2011-2014, yang melibatkan sejumlah besar dosen Fakultas Pertanian UPM Probolinggo.
  3. Seminar Nasional dengan tema: Kebangkitan Perempuan yang Termarginalkan dalam Mendukung Perekonomian Nasional.

Pada acara Seminar Nasional tersebut diikuti oleh sekitar empat ratus mahasiswa dan civitas akademisi Universitas Panca Marga Probolinggo beserta undangan yang berasal dari beberapa universitas di Indonesia. Dalam Seminar Nasional tersebut bertindak sebagai pembicara pertama adalah Ketua Tim Penggerak PKK Kabupaten Probolinggo yang juga sebagai Ibu Bupati Probolinggo yang diwakili oleh kepala Bappeda, Ibu Ir. Dewi Korina, MMA. Pembicara kedua dalam acara ini adalah Ketua Lembaga Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Jember, Ibu Dr. Sudarti, Mkes. Selanjutnya pembicara yang ketiga adalah perwakilan dari Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat UPM Probolinggo, Ibu Sulis Dyah Candra, S.P., M.P. Dalam seminar tersebut, tema yang diangkat adalah status wanita yang selama ini masih terkesan sebagai yang tersisihkan harus segera di singkirkan dengan meningkatkan peran wanita dalam kegiatan kemasyarakatan. Selain itu wanita juga diharapkan dapat aktif meningkatkan kemampuan diri dalam persaingan global.

Akses lebih lengkap tertera di Newsletter Perhepi 11 Desember 2012 yang dapat didownload di sini

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

International Conference on Agricultural Marketing

"Improving Access of Smallholders/ Farmers in Modern and Globalized Market"

Picture 1. The Keynote Speakers

As a part of the agribusiness system, marketing of food and agricultural products in recognized an important process dealing with handling and distributing the products from farms to forks.
However, the success of marketing is often heavily dependent upon the economic scale and availability of suitable finance. Not surprisingly, small stakeholders often face difficulties to get “right price” in marketing their products as they do not have a proper access to bring their product to the “right place” or their perspective customer.
Especially nowadays when the structure and governance of agri-food markets are changing rapidly, the smallholders are often left behind and marginalized. Stricter standards in term of product quality and market requirements such as supply reliability and scale of delivery bring about new challenges for agri-food producers, particularly for small farmers in developing countries. These daunting challenges have inspired us to set up this event.
Held in 25-26 June 2012, by Jember University Agribusiness Department of Agriculture Faculty; it was a collaboration event with La Trobe University Australia and Universiti Putra Malaysia. This event aims to improving access of smalholders or farmers in modern and globalized market. The keynote speakers of this event came from many university. They are Prof. Dr. Rudi Wibowo from Jember University, Prof. Dr. Mad Nasir Shamsudin and Prof. Dr. Zainal Abidin Mohamed from Universiti Putra Malaysia, Dr. Marthin Nanere from La Trobe University Australia, Ir. Benny Wicaksono, MM who served as Director of Bank Mega Syariah and Drs. M. Taufik Hidayat who served as Director of PT. Trans Artha Mulia.
The sub topics in this conference are various topics related to agribusiness marketing. Below are example of the scope area covered in this conference:
·           agribusiness supply chain management
·           agricultural economics
·           agricultural extensions strategies
·           agricultural marketing
·           agribusiness finance
·           business to business marketing
·           consumer behavior and preferences
·           environment and climate change issues
·           food security and self-sufficiency
·           macroeconomic analysis
·           market intelligence
·           natural resources management
·           price, production and microeconomic analysis
·           product development and market study
·           post-harvest and logistic system
·           trade policies
·           technopreneurship and emerging bio-industries
·           value chain analysis
As a part of the agribusiness system, marketing of food and agricultural products is recognized an important process dealing with handling and distributing the products from farms to forks. Various activities are involved in doing this, such as production planning, growing and harvesting, grading, packing, transport, storage, agro-and food processing, distribution, and sale. These activities are dynamic; they are competitive and involve continuous change and improvement. Marketing activities cannot take place unless there are information exchanges. The success of marketing is also often heavily dependent upon the economies of scale and availability of suitable finance. Not surprisingly, small holders often face difficulties to get ‘right price’ in marketing their products as they do not have a proper access to bring their product to the ‘right place’ or their prospective customers.
Especially nowadays when the structure and governance of agri-food markets are changing rapidly, the smallholders are often left behind and marginalized. Trade liberalization policies in domestic and international markets are key drivers of these changes that lead to globalizing food chains. Stricter standards in term of product quality and market requirements such as supply reliability and scale of delivery bring about new challenges for agri-food producers, particularly for small farmers in developing countries.
One of the contribution paper from Panca Marga University Lecturer (Sulis Dyah Candra SP.,MP.) in collaboration with Jember University Lecturer (Dr. rer. hort. Ketut Anom Wijaya) abstract are available with the title of: "PRECISE-FERTILIZATION AS AN ADDED VALUE FOR FARM PRODUCTS BY INCREASING GLOBAL AWARENESS ON HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS" in this repository. 

Picture 2. The Attendants

Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan

Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa Fakultas Pertanian UPM pada tanggal 02 Maret 2012 telah sukses melaksanakan acara Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kepemimpinan Organisasi Kemahasiswaan di Aula UPM Probolinggo. Acara tersebut dibuka dengan sambutan Dekan Bapak Ir. Moch. Suud, M.P. dan sambutan disampaikan pula oleh Pembantu Dekan 3, Ibu Ir. Tumini S., M.M.; selanjutnya sebagai pemateri dalam acara tersebut adalah Ibu Sulis Dyah Candra, S.P., M.P. 
Dengan tema: “Kepemimpinan - Belajar & Bertumbuh di Kampus”, pemateri menyatakan bahwa selama ini pembangunan Indonesia menekankan perlunya sektor pertanian yang tangguh untuk mendukung sektor industri dalam rangka mewujudkan swasembada pangan. Faktor kompetensi lulusan yang baik sangat didukung oleh proses pembelajaran kepemimpinan dalam eksistensi organisasi kemahasiswaan di kampus; sehingga diharapkan mahasiswa Faperta selama berkuliah di UPM dapat mengembangkan kemampuan softskill dan hardskill yang diperlukan untuk bertumbuh menjadi sosok yang lebih hebat.

Pelaksanaan Penelitian mengenai Nano Silikon pada Tanaman Padi

Beberapa tahun terakhir ini, para peneliti pertanian mulai menunjukkan minat yang meningkat dalam penggunaan silikon (Si) dalam tanam...